Mr. Ready for Everything
Don’t kid yourself, most of us in our honest moments are clear that we are not ready for anything, let alone everything. How can you be when life is as unpredictable as it is? That, however, just means there is something bigger to aspire to. Pair of Thieves socks, underwear, tees, and loungewear are built to be Ready For Everything. It says so on the box, and they don’t just let you print that, right? We asked ourselves if Ready For Everything was a person, who would Mr. RFE be. Here are our top candidates:
1. Bear Grylls
Bear is a British adventurer known for his survivalist reality series Man vs Wild. The premise of the show was putting Bear in challenging wilderness situations wherein he would display his incredible survival aptitude, and questionable sanity. His greatest moments include drinking his own urine from a snake skin, making a wetsuit from seal skin, and eating raw zebra meat from a lion kill. He was indeed ready for everything, including ready to gross out a viewing public.
2. James Bond
Ok, so we opened the field to fictional characters. No matter which version of 007 you swear by, there is no arguing that this secret agent was RFE. Remote control cars, x-ray polaroid camera, and explosive toothpaste all while seducing femme fatale friend and foe alike. If anything, the only thing Bond wasn’t ready for was commitment. It’s a scary thing, understandable.
3. Your Dad
You want to see true Ready For Everything? Give the old man a roll of duct tape and a problem. He’s coming back with most of one, and none of the other. Need dental work performed? All pops needs is a little fishing wire and door, which he’ll somehow manage to simultaneously oil the squeak out of.